About Me

At the age of 30, I began having sudden, dangerous, irregular heart rhythms, and was ultimately diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition.  In addition to the emotional shock of the diagnosis, I also experienced numerous traumatic surgeries and electric shocks to my heart from an implanted defibrillator over the following 10 years.

I was greatly challenged by the uncertainty of not knowing if and when I would be shocked. I began to experience anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue. My overall well-being was greatly diminished as I experienced severe PTSD. I explored many healing modalities for support, including talk therapy. What ultimately helped me was receiving regular therapeutic massage and working with an MD who offered body-oriented psychotherapy. Indeed, this approach was so profoundly helpful in resolving PTSD that I committed to learning and sharing these practices.

I became licensed in the State of Oregon to practice massage therapy in 2002. Since then, I have continued to learn and practice. I apply principals including Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Core Energetics, and Polyvagal Theory to help clients re-set their nervous systems, resulting in better health and well-being.

I sincerely trust our physiological survival systems that have evolved for 600 million years. By bringing gentle attention and awareness to create the proper conditions of safety and connection, these survival systems can complete their process and heal the body in profound and lasting ways.