

Services & Rates

By Appointment Only

Initial Consultation — 75 minutes — No charge

60 Minute Session - $150

90 Minute Session - $210

I have a limited number of session slots each week reserved for individuals whose financial situation requires a reduced rate. Please let me know if you are needing this service and we can discuss what is available.

A typical session

Ok. It’s time for your appointment. You are wearing comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. You are in a space with privacy that offers a comfortable seat as well as space to move around on your feet or lie on the floor.

We take some minutes to settle and fully arrive. This may entail a brief 5-10 minute guided self check-in to bring awareness to sensations in all areas of your body, noting which areas may want more attention or spark your curiosity. As we complete this initial exercise, we may take a few minutes to look around the room, taking in the environment, noticing what our eyes are drawn to or avoiding, and noticing sounds near and far.

I invite you to describe what feels different or the same compared with how you felt before the exercise. Has anything in particular arisen that you’d like to explore during our time together?

As you describe what you’d like to focus on, we begin to track sensations in different parts of your body. Are there areas that feel warm? Cold? Thick? Cloudy? Charged? Tingly? Shaky? Are these sensations welcome? Are they familiar?

I invite you to notice feelings that may or may not be associated with the sensations in your body. Likewise, I may invite you to describe any images that come to mind. You may experience gentle shaking, trembling, or impulses to move your body as your system completes unresolved processes associated with traumatic experiences. You may become aware of tension in areas of your body. I may ask you to very gently engage in movements to explore further, such as wiggling your fingers, pressing your toes, turning your head, or noticing whether eye contact with me feels welcome or unwelcome. In this way we just track what arises.

Towards the end of our time together, it is common for meaning to arise that somehow completes the process for the moment. There may be an “aha” moment which seems to just make sense in your whole being. This is not just an intellectual thought, but rather an experience of knowing what is true for you.

To close the session, I often ask if this feels like an OK place to stop for today. And finally, we take care of any administrative tasks, such as payment and scheduling.